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Ken Martinez Commodore Race 1

Chris Jordan | Published on 2/15/2024
The course turned out to be C-D after the race committee shortened the race in the light air of 9 knots out of the North northeast. The distance was 3.71 miles. For some great photos by Charlotte Ross check out the NYC racing website.

On Ozone, skipper Chris Jordan was under the weather and wore a mask on the stern while Thor Temme took over the helm of the Olson 30 for the entire race. And what a job he did! Thor timed a port tack start by the race committee perfectly and as Fast Company came down from the pin end yelling “starboard” Thor smiled as he passed 50 feet in front of them, taking the lead.

Bonjolea II was frustrated by their poor start according to Doug Tiffany. But they had a major surprise for everyone later. Double Espresso with Carl Andersson as skipper with the Kauai Sailing Association kids rounded out the fleet with Lexi on the foredeck.
Ozone was the first boat to round the Ninini Lighthouse Buoy followed by Fast Company, Bonjolea II and Double Espresso. But downwind Bonjolea II pulled out their surprise of a new A2 sail they call “Black Beauty” (see Charlotte’s photo). They then took off like they were shot out of a cannon. They took Ozone’s air and passed them at the Kalapaki buoy and they never had to look back.

On the way to the G-7 buoy downwind Fast Company with Jim Saylor steering was able to pass Ozone. Fast Company was able to stay inside at the mark rounding and gained. Upwind Fast Company was able to stay inside the G-5 buoy as required but Ozone had to tack to stay inside which caused them to lose some ground. Fast Company then tacked to cover Ozone. Meanwhile Bonjolea II was way out in front, already having rounded the Kalapaki buoy. They were long gone!

Ozone tacked towards the end of the breakwater but Fast Company kept going which was somewhat low of the Kalapaki buoy. When the two Olson 30’s met up again it was Fast Company leading as they rounded the Kalapaki buoy. But Ozone caught up downwind and was side by side with Fast Company. However, Fast Company had inside rights at the G-7 buoy and persisted in their lead. Ozone took Fast Company up and away from the G-11 buoy rounding near the Coast Guard Station. And when the two boats dove back down to round the buoy, Ozone took down their spinnaker early and put up their jib. Fast Company momentarily gained some more by leaving their spinnaker up longer and they rounded the buoy first. But in taking down their spinnaker they went a little wide of the buoy. Thor Temme on Ozone under jib turned up sharply around the buoy and was able to get to weather of Fast Company in a controlling position on the final leg to the finish. Although Fast Company was ahead, there was no room to tack in front of Ozone without hitting them. And when Fast Company tacked behind Ozone, Thor tacked Ozone to cover Fast Company to the finish line. Bonjolea II took line honors and first overall by 3 minutes corrected time. But it was an epic battle between Fast Company and Ozone with many lead changes during the race. Ozone was able to finish 55 seconds in front of Fast Company for second place while Fast Company took third. Double Espresso rounded out the fleet.

The second race of the Ken Martinez Commodore Series will take place on Thursday 2/15/24 with a 5pm start. The public is invited to watch the race from the Nawiliwili mole parking area.


Click for complete results, the RaceQs replay and photos from Charlotte on the Club Racing page.