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Chris Jordan | Published on 9/25/2023
The 4th race in the Gene Wells Memorial Series only had 4 boats racing. And the RaceQ’s computer tracking of the race died at 2 and a half minutes into this hour and10 minute race so this article will be a short one.

The course was A-B-E over a distance of 5.92 miles with winds more northerly at 14 knots. Bonjolea II ran down the starting line on starboard and tacked onto port by the race committee as the gun went off. Ozone started on starboard tack by the pin end and both boats crossed the starting line at the same time but at different ends. The starboard start seemed to be favored as the faster Bonjolea II had to duck Ozone’s stern when they met up. Ozone went further before tacking back towards the breakwater in a loose cover of Bonjolea II. And when Bonjolea II tacked back, they once again had to duck Ozone’s stern. But on the way out of the harbor Bonjolea II took off and never looked back. They gained on every lap. Even when Ozone hit 10.5 knots downwind under spinnaker surfing the waves Bonjolea II never seemed to get any closer. And at the finish line after 3 laps it was Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm once again taking line honors and first place . Ozone was second and Double Espresso was third. Speedy rounded out the fleet.

Next Thursday 8/28/23 at 7 pm the Kauai Sailing Association has Aaron Swink from the Department of Aquatic Resources talking about Marine Mammals at the clubhouse for their educational event. The potluck dinner will be supplemented with Chinese food compliments of the Ozone crew.

Come on down!


Click for or complete results and the (short) RaceQs replay on the Club Racing page.