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Chris Jordan | Published on 8/14/2023
The Shorts Series race #2 was a very unusual race. There were 5 laps (F-H-D-E-D) the most we have ever done. There were 2 new courses with the F course going around the Kalapaki Buoy and then G-7 while course H went around the Kalapaki Buoy and G-9. The distance for the race was 4.88 miles and the wind was out of the North-northeast at about 13 knots.

The start determined the entire race. There were only 3 boats racing and they all started on port tack by the race committee. But Ozone and Weatherly were called over early... While Bonjolea II took off on their merry way, Ozone turned around to restart after 25 seconds and Weatherly unfortunately realized the situation and turned around after 52 seconds. And that was essentially the race as we played follow the leader around the race course.

At the finish line it was Bonjolea II again taking line honors and first place. Ozone took second place and Weatherly third place.

Click for complete results and the RaceQs replay on the Club Racing page.