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WAHINE RACE #2 on 7/6/23

Chris Jordan | Published on 7/17/2023
7 boats competed in the second Wahine race where a woman has to steer the boat.The course was A-C-E with two outside laps to the lighthouse buoy and a final inside lap around the Kalapaki buoy over a distance of 6 miles. The wind was out of the Northeast at 6 knots.

Fast Company had the best start on starboard tack at the pin end after initially luffing up a bit just before the start to slow down so as not to be over early. Bonjolea II was moving fast with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm and Ozone tacked behind them to head towards the breakwater. Papa Au was the only boat to try a port tack start and they were in clear air although back a bit. Fast Company tacked onto port towards the breakwater to cover Ozone and they also had to duck the very fast Bonjolea II. When Ozone tacked onto starboard again, Fast Company went a little closer to the breakwater before tacking. There is often a lift in there where one can gain. As the boats approached the harbor exit, Speedy was looking good. They tacked and passed in between Fast Company and Ozone. When Fast Company and Weatherly tacked out of the harbor, Weatherly was able to stay pretty close to Fast Company. Ozone went in further toward the Kukui Lighthouse and when they tacked back they caught a nice lift and they gained a little. But they still had to duck Speedy and Weatherly when they crossed paths. Bonjolea II meanwhile had tacked back towards the beach at the Timbers Resort and when they tacked back they had gained quite a bit. Fast Company and Weatherly were now taking their boats way in towards the beach before tacking back which looked like a good move.

Bonjolea II was the first boat to round the Ninini Lighthouse buoy followed by Fast Company, Speedy, Weatherly, Ozone and further back was Papa Au. Double Espresso with the youngest Kauai Sailing Association kids was doing fabulous at this point, but without their RaceQ’s on I couldn’t figure out their position on the computer. But they were definitely having a magnificent race and they were right in the thick of things. Downwind under spinnaker Ozone was able to pass Speedy and they were getting close to the stern of Weatherly.

On the next lap on the way out of the harbor Fast Company again tacked back towards the beach and Weatherly and Ozone did likewise, covering from behind and trying to get the lift that is often in there. While this was going on, Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm was rocketing downwind and they were already at the entrance to the harbor as the other boats were just getting to the lighthouse.

Downwind the boats gybed their spinnakers at the Kalapaki buoy to head to G-11 by the Coast Guard Station. And as Fast Company rounded the G-11 buoy ahead of the other Olson 30’s, Bonjolea II was way ahead of the fleet, already rounding the Kalapaki Buoy on the last lap.

Speedy now heading upwind tacked at about the middle of the start-finish line to head towards Kalapaki. Weatherly had to pinch to make it inside the G-5 buoy as boats have to cross the start-finish line after each lap in case the race committee shortens the course. And it was at this point that Alison Fornari on the helm of Ozone was able to get in front of Weatherly. As the boats headed towards the Kalapaki buoy, Fast Company was low of the mark and had to tack twice in order to make it around and this slowed them down some. (But it was not enough). After the downwind leg, Fast Company was the first Olson 30 to round the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station and they headed towards the finish line. Double Espresso was next with Ozone close behind. And almost side by side with Ozone was Weatherly. When Weatherly tacked two thirds of the way to the finish line, Ozone tacked to cover them.

And at the finish line it was Bonjolea II taking line honors and first place by almost 6 minutes over Fast Company who was in second place. Double Espresso with the youngest Kauai Sailing Association sailors impressed everyone by finishing in 3rd place. They beat Ozone by 11 seconds and the older KSA sailors on Weatherly by 35 seconds. Great sailing Double Espresso!!!

After Ozone and Weatherly finished Speedy followed and Papa Au decided to retire from the race.


Click for the raceQs replay and complete results on the Club Racing page.