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Chris Jordan | Published on 7/18/2023
The third race in the Wahine Series was held on 7/13/23 with 7 boats competing with their female drivers. The course was B-A-D with 2 laps out to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy and one lap inside around the Kalapaki Buoy over a distance of 6.03 miles. The wind was out of the Northeast at 13 knots.

The battle at the start set up at the pin end on starboard tack. Fast Company looked to be a little early but they luffed up to kill some time and they ended up having the best start. Ozone was just down the line below them and just below Ozone was Weatherly. Bonjolea II started on starboard tack about halfway down the line.

Ozone was able to pinch up in front of Fast Company giving them some bad air and Fast Company tacked away towards the breakwater and Ozone didn’t cover, which they probably should have. The very fast Bonjolea II tacked onto port by the race committee and when they next met up with the other boats they were clear ahead. Weatherly tacked back towards the breakwater and they had to duck Fast Company’s stern. When Ozone tacked back they tried to lee bow Fast Company which didn’t pay off and in retrospect maybe they should have ducked them. Bonjolea II rounded the Kalapaki Buoy to starboard in the lead before heading out towards the lighthouse. Fast Company was next and although Double Espresso didn’t have their RaceQ’s on to show their position on the computer, I think they were next, doing very well throughout the race. Ozone and Weatherly followed. And both of those boats appeared to be pointing higher upwind than Fast Company but Fast Company was going faster. And after Bonjolea II rounded at the lighthouse it was Fast Company leading the other 4 Olson 30’s downwind under spinnaker. At the gybe mark at G-7 and even a little more at G-11 by the Coast Guard Station Ozone was getting closer to Fast Company. But heading back upwind Fast Company was able to pull away and Weatherly had fallen back a little more from both of them. As Fast Company approached the breakwater they had to weave their way through a large group of outrigger canoes paddlers. Other boats tacked away early to avoid the canoes. But even Papa Au coming downwind under spinnaker had to maneuver to avoid the canoes. Fast Company, leading the Olson 30’s, tacked early out of the harbor. Ozone and Weatherly went in further towards the rocks at the Kukui Lighthouse before tacking hoping to get a lift.

Bonjolea II rounded the Ninini Lighthouse buoy in the lead. Fast Company had stayed low of the mark and when they tacked onto the starboard layline to the buoy they had plenty of time to put up their spinnaker pole and to pre-feed the guy. The other boats coming in very close to the buoy had to scramble to get their poles and spinnakers ready and Fast Company therefore gained a little more.

After rounding the G-11 buoy and heading back upwind Ozone took the boat in a little further towards the mole than Fast Company before tacking back towards the breakwater and this paid off. Each boat has to cross the start-finish line after every lap in case the race committee decides to shorten the course. Fast Company had to tack to stay inside the G-5 buoy at the start-finish line while Ozone just made it through and could continue further towards the breakwater before tacking. This put Ozone on the layline to the Kalapaki Buoy. But Fast Company was below the layline and they had to tack twice to make it around. Of course they tacked directly in front of Ozone giving them bad air. So Fast Company rounded the Kalapaki Buoy in front of Ozone but then disaster struck them with a spinnaker wrap (hourglass) as they put up their chute. This allowed Ozone to pass them as they headed for the G-7 gybe mark. Ozone, with Fast Company right on their heels had a good rounding at G-7 and G-11. As both boats headed back upwind to the finish line, Fast Company tacked away early and Ozone tacked to cover them. And when Fast Company tacked to the finish line Ozone again tacked to cover in order to keep their short lead.

At the finish line it was Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm again taking line honors and first place. Ozone took second place with Alison Fornari steering and Fast Company took third place with Lily on the helm. Double Espresso was next with Stella Fornari steering. (After a great battle between Ozone and Double Espresso throughout the race, it was probably a good thing that Stella didn’t beat her mom.) Weatherly followed with Dr. Elisabeth Biuk-Aghai driving and Speedy was next with ICU nurse Kristiina Chapman on the helm. Papa Au had Lisa steering and they decided to retire from the race.

Afterwards in the clubhouse a community educational event and potluck was held with a video of sailing in Turkey shown by Dick Olsen. In addition, Mark and Terry Walsh told stories of their cruising in Turkey as they had been to many of the same places. Sailors and family from the single handed Transpac Race from San Francisco to Hanalei Bay were present including Brendan Huffman who very generously has donated his extremely well prepared Santa Cruz 33 to the Kauai Sailing Association. More boat things to learn about and more fun for the kids!


Click for the raceQs replay and complete results on the Club Racing page.