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Chris Jordan | Published on 7/5/2023
The first of the 5 race Wahine series was held on Thursday 6/29/23 with 12 knot winds out of the North-northeast. The 5 women skippers had course A-E-A With the first and last legs out to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy and the middle leg around the Kalapaki buoy over a distance of 5.8 miles.

Ozone with Alison Fornari on the helm had the best start at the pin end on starboard tack. Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany driving took the lead going out to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy and they rounded first, followed by Ozone. Weatherly was close behind. Fast Company had Victoria Aiu steering and after rounding disaster struck their boat. On hoisting the spinnaker for the downwind leg, it got caught on the hatch handle sustaining a very large tear in their beautiful spinnaker. But they quickly got another spinnaker up. Ray Woolard was on their boat again after having spent 2 months in the Virgin Islands working and sailing.

Ozone and Weatherly (with Astrid Andersson on the helm) were having a close battle throughout the race. But on the second leg out of the harbor Weatherly tacked early and this paid off as they took the lead. And on the final downwind leg from the Ninini Lighthouse buoy Ozone rounded up twice under spinnaker and Weatherly took an even more substantial lead.

At the finish line it was Bonjolea II taking line honors and first place. Weatherly took second and Ozone third. They were followed by Fast Company and Speedy.


Click for complete results and the RaceQs replay on the Club Racing page.