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Chris Jordan | Published on 5/16/2023
Was it a B-A-D race? Yes it was, course wise. Two laps went out to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy with the first lap leaving the Kalapaki Buoy to starboard, out to the lighthouse and then on to G-7 and G-11. The second lap went straight to the lighthouse and back to G-11. The final lap was around the Kalapaki buoy to starboard, then downwind to G-7 gybing to G-11 and then upwind to the finish line. This 6.3 mile course had lighter winds at about 7 knots out of the East. The Olson 30’s had their larger #1 headsails up. But was this going to be a BAD race for Fast Company? Could they make it 13 wins in a row??? (I miscounted last week as it was
ONLY 12 wins in a row and not 13 as I stated)...

Fast Company did have a good start laying the pin end on starboard tack. Ozone’s skipper Chris Jordan screwed up and decided to throw in two extra tacks in the light air just before the start which put them in last place crossing the starting line. Fast Company was outpointing Weatherly and Ozone and they were gaining quite a bit. Ozone sailed into a header and so tacked back towards the breakwater and Weatherly followed.

Bonjolea II rounded the Kalapaki buoy in the lead before heading out to the lighthouse. They were followed by Fast Company, Speedy, Weatherly Double Espresso, and yes, Ozone was tail end Charlie. On the way out to the lighthouse Ozone couldn’t get the boat to point we’ll with their new #1 headsail and they fell well down below the other boats. Downwind under spinnaker after the lighthouse buoy rounding it got a little tricky as the boats entered the harbor. Weatherly and Double Espresso gybed their spinnaker onto port tack but Ozone stayed on starboard tack with rights and called for them to gybe away as they were very close. This slowed the other two boats down and as they approached the G-7 buoy Ozone was able to get clear ahead to sneak in and round the buoy ahead of the other two boats.

Bonjolea II was still out in front followed by Fast Company, Speedy, Ozone, Double Espresso and Weatherly. But at the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station Fast Company had some spinnaker takedown issues and they performed a maneuver we call “shrimping” where the spinnaker goes down into the water and gets dragged behind the boat like a sea anchor. They went very wide and slow for quite awhile. In fact, when they met up with Speedy on starboard tack they had to duck them! But when the two boats next met up it was Fast Company on starboard and Speedy tacked below them rather than ducking them.

The boats were in the same order after rounding the Ninini Lighthouse buoy again on the second lap. Ozone gained on Speedy on the downwind spinnaker run and was starting to get close. But Speedy was able to stay ahead even after multiple tacks on the upwind leg towards the Kalapaki Buoy. But on the very last tack to the buoy Ozone was able to sneak in ahead of Speedy.

While Bonjolea II was in the lead, folks were wondering if Fast Company was close enough to win on handicap. Meanwhile, Speedy and Ozone had quite a battle going on for 3rd place. And Ozone had a bad last tack on the way to the finish line and they couldn’t get their large #1 headsail trimmed in. Speedy was coming on fast!

At the finish line it was Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm taking line honors. But on corrected handicap time it was Fast Company with Jim Saylor on the helm taking first place by one minute. An unbelievable 13 wins in a row!!!

Bonjolea II was in second place and Ozone took third followed a mere 19 seconds later by Speedy with Dick Olsen driving.  Weatherly and Double Espresso rounded out the fleet. Papa Au didn’t compete this week. Since there is one throwout race in the series, Fast Company with all first places doesn’t even need to race the next race in order to win the series.  But somehow I don’t think Jim Saylor will go for that...

After Fast Company with 6 points in the series it is Bonjolea II with 14 points and Ozone with 15 points so it could be a battle for second place in the 8th and final race on 5/18/23. Watch out Bonnie!
