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Chris Jordan | Published on 7/25/2022

The 4.51 mile course D-E-A had a somewhat unusual two inside laps around the Kalapaki buoy before the final outside lap to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy. The winds were out of the Northeast at 10-14 knots.

At the start Ozone was too early at the pin end and they had to go head to wind and flog their sails before heading down the starting line. Weatherly and Fast Company were approaching quickly and Ozone was barely able to pass in front of Weatherly. Meanwhile a booming voice from Fast Company could be heard yelling “Ozone over early”. But when the race committee came over the radio saying “All clear” there was a sigh of relief on Ozone.

Weatherly was sailing above Ozone preventing Ozone from tacking towards the breakwater as it looked like none of the boats could make it to the Kalapaki buoy on one tack. Speedy and Fast Company were the first to tack away. Ozone then tacked and ducked Weatherly’s stern. But Weatherly incredibly made it around the Kalapaki buoy on one tack while none of the other boats could. Ozone should have tacked back on Weatherly’s line but they took it in too far towards the breakwater. When they subsequently rounded the Kalapaki buoy Ozone was already 50 seconds behind Weatherly.  Double Espresso, Fast Company and Speedy followed. Papa Au also over stood the lay line to the buoy.

Fast Company and Speedy had a battle going on downwind. Speedy went low and was able to pass Fast Company. A power boat had recently anchored near the G-7 buoy which made the spinnaker gybe there a little tighter as the anchored trimaran Meshach also has to be avoided (did trimaran owner Thor Temme anchor his boat there on purpose???)  At the G-11 buoy mark rounding by the Coast Guard Station Weatherly was in the lead, a little over a minute ahead of Ozone.

Double Espresso with the young Kauai Sailing Association kids was doing great. Speedy was still ahead of Fast Company and Papa Au was not far behind (even without their smaller boat handicap). It was nice to see Bill Petersen back on Papa Au after his time away.

On the next lap Weatherly rounded the Kalapaki buoy still about a minute ahead of Ozone. And Ozone kept looking over their shoulder at the young kids on Double Espresso who were threatening. Ozone had a tighter mark rounding than Weatherly at the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station and they gained a little. But Speedy had a very tough mark rounding (probably spinnaker takedown issues) and this allowed Fast Company to pass them and to gain a lot.

On the last lap upwind to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy Ozone was able to get much closer to Weatherly. At the rounding Weatherly’s lead was down to less than 30 seconds. And although Ozone’s owner Chris Jordan had written recently in one of his articles that Weatherly gained downwind due to their larger heavy air spinnaker, after measuring both sails it turned out not to be the
case. So now I am eating my words!

Weatherly held their lead all the way to the finish line where they took line honors and first place in the PHRF Class. And they have now won 3 in a row! Great job sailing by Astrid Andersson on the helm and her crew. Ozone finished second with Alison Fornari steering and Double Espresso with Yeva Allyn on the helm was third.

In the Club Class Speedy took first place with Mavis Aiu steering and Fast Company was second with Kauai County Council candidate Jakki Nelson at the helm (she gets my vote!). The plucky Express 27 Papa Au sailed in the race even though they couldn’t get a wahine to steer so that they didn’t place. Glad you guys came out though.

The fifth and final race of the Wahine Series is set for Thursday July 28th with a 5pm start. Weatherly has a 2 point lead in the
series over Ozone and they would really have to mess up not to take the series.

The public is invited to watch the races from the Nawiliwili mole parking area.


Click the link for complete results and the RaceQs replay on the Club Racing Page.