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Chris Jordan | Published on 3/19/2022

The 5th race of the Bob Hamby Memorial Series was held on 3/10/2022. The 4.51 mile race was course A-D-E with one outside lap to the Ninini lighthouse buoy and two inside laps around the Kalapaki buoy. The wind was 3-8 knots out of the North-northeast.

The start had Bonjolea II taking both Speedy and Ozone up as they were barging. Ozone slowed down by going head to wind and flogging their sails and then ducked Speedy and Bonjolea II and just made it inside the buoy. But Speedy had to turn around and they restarted. So both Speedy and Ozone fell behind. Meanwhile, further down the starting line Fast Company was moving well in clear air and they took the lead. Papa Au started way down the line and that cost them a lot of distance.

Bonjolea II is the fastest boat and they gained on Fast Company. But Fast Company was able to stay in front of them and Bonjolea II decided to tack away at the middle of the entrance to the harbor. Ozone and Weatherly also tacked on Bonjolea II’s line but Fast Company went in further towards the Kukui lighthouse rocks before they tacked. A while later Bonjolea II and Ozone tacked back towards the Hokuala Resort and shortly thereafter Fast Company and Weatherly did the same thing. Heading back towards the Ninini lighthouse buoy Ozone was gaining on Fast Company but when rounding the buoy Fast Company had a much better rounding and gained a lot. Bonjolea II rounded next followed by Ozone. Weatherly rounded just
ahead of Speedy but they were both back a ways.

Bonjolea II is fast and they were gaining downwind on Fast Company. Ozone was to weather of Bonjolea II but decided to slow down and go behind them as Bonjolea II like to reach up more than the Olson 30’s do for their boat speed which results in traveling a longer distance.

After the Ninini buoy rounding Weatherly reached up a lot higher than Speedy and so they had to go a longer distance (upwind point, downwind stay low but fast). So Speedy now passed Weatherly. Back in the harbor Ozone had gained a fair amount on Fast Company and both boats now gybed their spinnakers at about the same time. Fast Company got to the 3 boat length circle first at the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station and they rounded in the lead. Ozone was next followed by Bonjolea II. Further back was Speedy, Weatherly and Papa Au. Ozone decided to tack away towards the breakwater in an attempt to catch Fast Company by splitting tacks. Bonjolea II followed Ozone. But Fast Company caught the lift in by the mole and they gained even more.

Fast Company then had to tack at the G-5 buoy as required to cross the finish line after each lap (in case the race committee shortens course). After tacking back Ozone and Bonjolea II cleared the G-5 buoy and they kept going towards the  breakwater. Ozone was expecting a big gain as they thought Fast Company would have to tack two more times to make it
to the Kalapaki buoy. But somehow Fast Company was able to make it around the buoy without tacking and they gained even more. Ozone and Bonjolea II were very close together after rounding and passing the G-7 buoy. But behind them disaster occurred as Speedy came in towards the G-7 buoy. They went around some boats there into what is called “Keel
cleaner corner” and they went aground. After getting themselves free they decided to retire from the race.

When the boats came into the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station, Bonjolea II immediately tacked away early towards the breakwater, probably to get clear air. Ozone kept going straight towards the mole and an anticipated lift. When the boats reached the Kalapaki buoy Fast Company was in the lead and they lapped Papa Au who shortly thereafter decided to retire. Ozone downwind under spinnaker gained a lot on Fast Company and skipper Jim Saylor could be heard to say “Where did you come from?”. But it was not enough as Fast Company crossed the finish line first in the PHRF Class by 42 seconds over Ozone who was in second and Double Espresso was third (get your RaceQ’s working Uncle Carl!!!)

The youngest Kauai sailors are doing so well we want to see how they do it). Weatherly was first in the Club Class and Bonjolea II was second. Since the other 2 boats in the 7 boat fleet retired, there was no third place. The Nawiliwili Yacht Club has kindly waived the race fees for the youngest Kauai Sailing Association kids on Double Espresso.
