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Chris Jordan | Published on 3/8/2022
The weather forecast for the 4th race of the Bob Hamby Memorial Series on 3/3/2022 suggested rain and no wind. But it turned out to be a lovely day. The wind was light at 6-8 knots with occasional gusts. It was mostly a northerly but at times the wind was all over the compass. (Prior to the start one boat close hauled heading east ended up heading west without any change in sail trim!) The course was D-B-E with one long lap to the Ninini Lighthouse buoy wedged between two short laps around the Kalapaki Buoy. The wind was so far north that all the boats were set up to start on port tack. Ozone decided to run down the line on  starboard tack with rights in order to make all the other boats on port tack go below her. Just before the starting gun Ozone tacked onto port by the race committee and they had the best start to windward of all the other boats, although virtually all the boats crossed the starting line at the same time.

Ozone was trying to stay to weather of Bonjolea II when both boats took a huge header forcing them way to the right of the Kalapaki Buoy. Ozone rounded the buoy to port first followed by Bonjolea II. Speedy was next, ahead of Fast Company. Weatherly, Double Espresso and Papa Au.

Fast Company passed Speedy on the way to the G-7 buoy and they gained a lot on everyone. Controversy then arose near the
G-7 buoy when Fast Company protested that Ozone had turned up enough at the three boat length circle that their stern gave Fast Company an overlap and inside rights at the buoy. Ozone’s skipper chopped his arm astern and said “no overlap” when he
thought they reached the 3 boat length circle. Both skippers and crews thought they were correct and Ozone did not do any penalty turns as Fast Company flew their red penalty flag. Bonjolea II now came roaring down between Fast Company and Ozone and they gave Ozone bad air slowing them down. Fast Company now passed Ozone and they rounded the G-11 buoy
by the Coast Guard Station just behind Bonjolea II. Speedy again was not far behind and they gained a lot on the upwind leg to the mole.

When the Ninini Lighthouse buoy was reached it was Bonjolea II leading followed by Fast Company, Ozone, Weatherly, Speedy,
Double Espresso and Papa Au. Downwind Fast Company left up their large #1 sail for most of the leg. Ozone had been using their small #3 sail as only 4 of their usual eight crew could make it. So Ozone put up their spinnaker for more power but they had to keep it in very tight and they weren’t sure they could make it around the breakwater. But around it they went and in fact caught up enough that Fast Company, Ozone and Bonjolea II were side by side at the G-7 buoy. And Speedy and Double Espresso were coming down side by side so there were some nice battles going on.

Ozone was able to pass Fast Company on the way to G-11 by the Coast Guard Station. But when they took down their spinnaker Fast Company was able to get ahead again and they rounded the G-11 buoy first. Meanwhile, Bonjolea II took a dive down around some anchored boats for some reason that really slowed them down. In fact, Double Espresso got in front of them at this buoy.

The fleet positions now stayed essentially the same and at the finish line it was Fast Company in first place followed 10 seconds
later by Ozone in second place. (Fast Company had magnanimously taken down their protest flag). Weatherly was in third place and the youngest Kauai Sailing Association kids on Double Espresso were next, followed by Speedy, Bonjolea II and Papa Au.
In the Club Class it was Double Espresso in first, Speedy in second and Bonjolea II in third.

Overall, a great day for sailing.
