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Chris Jordan | Published on 10/8/2023
The Kona winds were totally opposite from our usual trade winds so the start headed towards the mountain. And the courses T-S were two short ones inside the harbor that no one was familiar with so it was a little bit of a challenge. The “T” course went upwind to the G-7 buoy and then on to the Kalapaki buoy. The “S” course went to the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station and then to the G-7 buoy before heading to the Kalapaki buoy and finally to the finish line. The winds were light and variable mostly out of the West at about 3 knots.

Speedy started on starboard tack right at the pin end, with Ozone a little to weather but still side by side with both boats being pretty much close hauled. However Weatherly had a great start more towards the middle of the starting line and more on a beam reach going faster and they got out in front first. The bigger and heavier Bonjolea II got stuck behind these 3 lighter boats in the light air.

Weatherly rounded the G-7 buoy first. But they went wider than the other boats and much to Skipper Carl Andersson’s dismay they were just outside the wind line and he had to watch as Ozone gleefully passed him. Ozone rounded the Kalapaki buoy first followed by Speedy and Weatherly. Bonjolea II was in the unusual position of being in last place.

Ozone gained a little on the leg to the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station. But when they gybed there they delayed putting up their spinnaker and Speedy was gaining quickly. And halfway to the Kalapaki buoy the wind went forward on Ozone and they had to quickly put up their jib and drop their spinnaker. This allowed Speedy to catch right up on their stern.

But Ozone’s skipper Chris Jordan thought that he had the race in the bag as they were still in front of Speedy. But he broke a cardinal rule of sailing about covering and instead of staying in front of Speedy he tacked for the shortest distance to the finish line. And he parked the boat. So Speedy passed them and took line honors and first place by 14 seconds over second place Ozone (with Skipper Jordan still kicking himself...) Weatherly took third place and Bonjolea II rounded out the fleet.

Congratulations to the Speedy crew!


Click for complete results and the RaceQs replay on the Club Racing page.