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Chris Jordan | Published on 9/15/2023
As Bonjolea II and Speedy were setting up for a port tack start by the race committee, Ozone came running down the starting line on starboard tack with the right of way, trying to mess them up. Ozone tacked just to weather of Bonjolea II in an effort to slow them down. But Bonjolea II is so fast and can point so high that they were soon to weather of Ozone and out in front, leading the fleet.

The course was C-E-F over 4.4 miles and the wind was quite Northerly and light at about 7 knots. The first lap went to the Ninini Lighthouse Buoy. When Bonjolea II tacked out of the harbor they were followed by Ozone, Speedy and Double Espresso and the boats also rounded the buoy in that order. Ozone thought that the wind was too far North to put up their spinnaker right away and so they took a high course in order to position themselves to put it up later. But Speedy proved them wrong as they put up their spinnaker early and once they got control they were able to get on the lay line to the Kalapaki Buoy. And Ozone found out that they had stayed too high so that when they put up their spinnaker they were in the wind shadow of the nearby cliffs which really slowed them down. Speedy came charging in catching up to Ozone at the Kalapaki Buoy and nearly passing them.

On the second lap the rounding went to the Kalapaki buoy and Bonjolea II had gained on the fleet at this point and Ozone had gained a little on Speedy.

On the third and final lap Bonjolea II was way ahead at the Kalapaki rounding. Ozone made it around the buoy okay but Speedy had to throw in 2 extra tacks which slowed them down. This final lap was the new course “F” which downwind goes to the G-7 buoy before it heads back upwind to the finish line.

And at the finish line it was the Sydney 36 Bonjolea II with Bonnie Tiffany on the helm taking line honors and first place once again over the 3 Olson 30’s in the fleet. In second place was Ozone who was 42 seconds behind on handicap time and Speedy took third place. Double Espresso followed.


Click for complete results and the RaceQs race replay on the Club Racing page.