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Chris Jordan | Published on 6/6/2024
There were gusty winds out of the North-northeast at 13+ knots and the Olson 30’s had reefs in their mains. Only 3 boats raced, the fewest we have had in a long time. The course was B-A-D over 6.03 miles which was actually a GOOD course.

Ozone had the best start on starboard at the pin end with Bonjolea II a little late following 25 seconds behind. But the very fast Bonjolea II passed Ozone at the first Kalapaki mark and never looked back. They gained on every leg of the race. Ozone really wanted to shake out their reef but they were overpowered.

Meanwhile Double Espresso with the Kauai Sailing Association junior sailors on board had to retire when their main halyard failed.
So with only 2 boats now in the race Ozone tried to catch up to Bonjolea II by shaking out their reef in the main on the last lap inside the harbor, hoping to catch Bonjolea II on corrected time (after their handicap is accounted for). But it was not to be as Bonnie Tiffany on the helm of Bonjolea II took line honors and first place 3 minutes and 19 seconds over second place Ozone.

For the series Ozone has 4 points and Bonjolea II 5 points which makes the 4th and final race of the series very interesting. If Bonjolea II takes first place and Ozone second their points will be tied at 6, but Bonjolea II would win the tie breaker as they would have won in the most recent race.

See you Thursday and bring a guest. Plan on light air.
