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Chris Jordan | Published on 5/14/2024
The Invitational Series requires a guest to be on the boat or else you are scored last. Ozone thought they were clever by having 8 year old Enzo Fornari on board who doesn’t weigh very much. In addition the boat bottom cleaner for the fleet was out with a health issue. When Ozone’s skipper found this out he quickly got in the water to scrub off their 2 weeks of bottom growth while hoping that the other boats didn’t have the time to get theirs cleaned. Would this be called strategy or tactics?

The 4.4 mile course was A-E-E with the first lap out to the Ninini Lighthouse Buoy and the next two laps around the Kalapaki Buoy. The downwind leg in all 3 laps went to the G-11 buoy by the Coast Guard Station. The wind was very light at 4-6 knots out of the Northeast at first but it later built up some.

The 4 boat fleet started on starboard tack with Ozone taking a slight lead at the start with Speedy to weather and Bonjolea II to leeward and somewhat behind. Double Espresso with Carl Andersson on the helm with the Kauai Sailing Association young sailors was right there in the mix. Bonjolea II was able to outpoint Ozone and went from leeward to weather above them. And although Ozone tried to reach up to block them out, it was too late and Bonjolea II easily passed them. And when Ozone was hit by Bonjolea II’s bad air they tried to tack away behind them, but this southerly tack was very painful. They were able to cross just a little ahead of Speedy.

At the Ninini Lighthouse Buoy it was Bonjolea II rounding in the lead followed by Ozone, Speedy and Double Espresso. Downwind under spinnaker Bonjolea II didn’t really gain on Ozone, but both boats gained a little on Speedy and Double Espresso.

On the upwind leg after rounding the G-11 buoy Bonjolea II had to tack twice in order to clear the red R-6 buoy by the race committee on the mole. But Ozone was able to point high and they cleared the R-6 buoy without having to tack and so they gained a little on Bonjolea II.

The boat positions stayed about the same for the final lap and Bonjolea II once again took line honors. But their handicap for being a bigger and faster boat allowed Ozone to take first place by one minute and twenty two seconds and so Bonjolea II took second place. Double Espresso took third place and Speedy followed a minute and twenty one seconds behind them.

After sailing the boat back to the dock, 8 year old Enzo chowed down on the Maui Salt and Vinegar Chips so it looks like he can be easily bribed to race in the future.

The Olson 30 Kato is still for sale unless the potential buyer who went out on it last week makes an offer to Kevin Millett. And I just found out that the lovely Lelele built by Terry Wells and owned by John Snyder is for sale. Two great boats available to get back into our sailboat racing fleet! Call me if you are interested and I will give you their numbers.


Click for Results times and the raceQs replay on the Club Racing page.